Tuesday 30 July 2013


                                                            -By  Sandeep Sahu 
Energy is what, we pursue can change the entire globe,
Energy is that ensures the stability with a great probe.
Lets transfer positive enrgy
Lets transfer positive energy !

Energy is what, brings a vital resource of drastic evolution,
Energy is that evolves innumerous amount of salvation.
change the view towards environment
Change the view towards the environment

Energy is what, sprouts out a new life in the world,
Energy is that gives a new heat in the motivational world.
Energy is what, lets' the mind to go beyond infinity,
Energy is that pulls up the all the positivity.
Energy is neither created nor destroyed but just get transfer from one form to another
Energy is neither created nor destroyed but just get transferred from one form to another

Energy is what, cling the nature from its fragmentation,
Energy is that carries out a new kind of transformation.
Energy is what, Einstein proved with his epic formula,
Energy is that we need to conserve for a good cause because we our self have (WE) energy…..

World is yours so think for it
The world is yours, so think of it !